Pre-Performance Presentation
Wednesday, January 22, 2003, 7:30 p.m., University of Houston Clear Lake Theater, Bayou Bldg., 2700 Bay Area Blvd., Houston

NASA Arts Program Coordinator Bert Ulrich, project advisor University of Iowa Professor Don Gurnett, and Kronos Quartet artistic director David Harrington will discuss their respective roles in the Kronos Quartet "Sun Rings." (

Sun Rings
Kronos Quartet
Thursday, January 23, 2003, 8:00 p.m.
Worthan Center's Cullen Theater, Houston

This multimedia production is based on sounds of space collected by University of Iowa Professor Don Gurnett over a 40-year period. Sun Rings was composed by Terry Riley, performed by the Kronos Quartet, and includes a visual production created by visual designer Willie Williams.

Sun Rings was commissioned by NASA Arts Program and co-commissioned by the Society of Performing Arts, University of Houston Clear Lake, Hancher Auditorium, University of Iowa, the National Endowment for the Arts, The Rockefeller Foundation, and other music-presenting organizations.

Kronos Quartet
Terry Riley
Willie Williams - Select 'Tours and Live Shows' to see images from Kronos Sun Rings
Space Plasma Wave Research Group
The Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Iowa